Congratulations Chicago Fed, Terry Savage and MoneySmart Week

The Chicago Fed kicked off MoneySmart Week and celebrated the 10th year of what has grown from a week of financial literacy events in Chicago to a national program with partners such as Visa and the American Library Council.
Terry Savage, Sun-Times columnist, who wrote the book on financial literacy, recalled the first meetings at the Fed with the idea of connecting people who needed financial advice with the information that a host of financial service companies could provide.
As she noted, it wasn’t just the concept of a program of partner, but rather the Fed’s leadership under Fed President Michael Moskow and now Charlie Evans that supported and advanced the program.  The turnout at the Chicago Fed today in kicking off a 10th year was a testament to the importance of the topic and the Fed’s ongoing support and expansion of the program.
Alejo Torres, Chicago Fed’s Senior Outreach Manager, recognized the many partners that have contributed to the program over the years.  In reviewing the history, Fed Public Affairs VP Doug Tillett explained, “It’s the power of connecting people to resources they need.”
As Chicago City Treasurer Stephanie Neeley and United Way CEO Wendy DuBoe CEO of the United Way concurred, improving financial literacy is needed now more than ever!